Lowest commission fee in Latvia

Price list

Listing for auction and bidding

Virtual Cones

Virtual Cones are the currency of this website. Payment for services provided by the Forest Exchange is made with these Virtual Cones.

The price of one Virtual Cone is 1.00 EUR + value-added tax at a rate of 21%.

Listing Fee:

  • 25 Virtual Acorns (30 EUR, including VAT), if you list the forest stand auction on the website yourself;
  • 100 Virtual Acorns (121 EUR, including VAT), if you want us to create the auction on your behalf.

If the auction closes without a result, you can list another auction on the portal for free. Starting from the third time, the listing fee must be paid again.

For seniors, we offer to prepare the auction, dividing the payment into installments.

Commission Fee:

  • Bidders participate in auctions for free. The commission fee is applied to the auction winner, depending on the bid value.
  • The commission fee is not included in the final auction price.
  • Sellers also have the option to create a closed-type auction - the seller selects participants to invite to participate in the auction.

Commission Fee


  • 2% of the auctioned bid value.
  • Minimum commission fee: 200 euros + VAT;
  • Maximum commission fee: 2000 euros + VAT.


  • 3.5% of the auctioned bid value.
  • Minimum commission fee: 500 euros + VAT;
  • Maximum commission fee: 10,000 euros + VAT.


  • For Fellings: the commission fee is 3.5% of the auctioned bid value. The minimum commission fee is 500 euros + VAT, and the maximum is 5,000 euros + VAT;
  • For Forest Properties: the commission fee is 5% of the auctioned bid value. The minimum commission fee is 500 euros + VAT, and the maximum is 15,000 euros + VAT.